
-Saturday Night Fry.-

Today's topic:Stephen Fry.

'Who on earth is this Stephen Fry figure?'-You might ask(especially if you live in Romania, as I do). Here are the first things one should know about him:

'Stephen John Fry (born 24 August 1957) is an English humorist, writer, wit, actor, novelist, filmmaker and television presenter.' (Wikipedia)

...but he also happens to be one of the people I admire, one of the people I would just looove to meet(although I know that will never happen, for who would ever come to Romania?! And if so, who am I to even get the pleasure of HIM talking to me?!).

Why I admire him? Many reasons, I guess. I find him brilliant! I could listen to him talk for hours-not only because of the things he says, but also because of the way he says them!-AND he also writes the most genious essays(I might be wrong on this one, but I know I love them!). Actually, there is nothing he doesn't do.

So, if any of you would like to find out more about him, you could just Google him up...or try YouTube.

P.S.:The picture you see on your right is one of my drawings(if you find it grotesque, I apologise, for I'm not the best portrayer I've ever met!) of Stephen Fry.

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